
Graz has four of the city’s most well-known accelerators and incubators.

List of the top four accelerators but also incubators in Graz is here.

Graz’s startup scene is unquestionably one of a kind.

There have been numerous successful startups incubated but rather accelerated on this over the years.

This comprehensive list of Graz-based accelerators and incubators is perfect if you’re thinking about starting your own business or just want to learn more about what Graz has to offer.

In Graz, there are four accelerators and incubators.

1) Up to Eleven Digital Solutions

UT11 co-founds mobile startups in their early stages, helps them grow faster by actively getting involved, and then looks for venture capital funding.

An overview of the new company:

The Austrian capital is Vienna.

commenced operations in the year 2012

Financial services, incubation, and venture capital are all areas in which Jürgen and Martin Pansy founded their companies.

Investments: Seven

There is only one exit.

2) Science Park Graz GmbH

Because we are inspired by the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, we work with entrepreneurs to help them turn their business ideas into global brands.

An overview of the new company:

A place called Austria

Since the year: 2002

Non-Profits, Associations, and Incubators

3) Lab10

Digitally enabled technology but also vertical innovation will help us create emerging industries and disrupt existing ones…

An overview of the new company:

The Austrian capital is Vienna.

Four investments were made.

4) Creators Expedition

Creators Expedition seems to be a non-profit organisation devoted to promoting the advancement of electric mobility but also self-driving technology.

An overview of the new company:

Austria is a country and the automotive industry is its primary industry.